Option SA

Option is just the right partner for you. Our scale, experience and capabilities guarantee the growth of
your brand in our market.

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Value Proposition

Option is the best strategic partner for your FMCG brand in the Colombian market.

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Our Strategy

Our business model is based on two fundamental pillars: a solid distribution network and robust marketing expertise.

We are your team in Colombia!

Option is just the right partner for you. Our scale, 30 years of experience and strong capabilities guarantee the growth of your brand in our market.

Complete coverage of Colombia both in terms of geography and channel type, established long term relations with all major retailers in addition to a broad portfolio of consumer brands that open doors, all give us a unique set of skills to position new brands entering the Colombian market.

We are your best option for the marketing and distribution of your brand in Colombia.

Option is the best strategic partner for your FMCG brand in the Colombian market.

Option to Date:

POS Coverage
+ 0
Partner Sales Force
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
Option Team
+ 0

Our Brands

Our Clients

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